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Why do seasons change?

Seasons change because the axis of the earth is tilted by 23.5 degrees (from a line perpendicular to its orbit). As the earth moves around its orbit there is a time when it is tilted towards the sun and so receives a higher concentration of the sun's energy (summer) and a time when it is tilted away and receiving less energy (winter).
This also explains why it is summer in N hemisphere when it is winter in S hemisphere.


Let´s practice this song.

¡Mis pequeños artistas!


Sight is an important sense.

We see with our eyes.

We read with our eyes.

Hearing is a sense we need.

We use our ears to hear.

We need to listen carefully.

Smelling is an important sense.

We use our nose to smell.

Some things smell good and some things smell bad.

Tasting is an important sense.

We taste with our tongues.

Some things taste good and some things taste bad.

One more sense is touching.

We touch with our fingers.

Some things are soft and some things are rough.

Our senses are very important. They help keep us safe.
Our senses help us learn about ourselves and the world.






Here some pictures of the winners of the Spring Festival Competitions.

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Happy Birthday Joaquín!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Learning Means of Transportation


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Germination Process.

The germination is the process of emergence of growth from a resting stage, as the activation of a mature dormant seed causing it to sprout and develop the first tiny shoot and root; also the production of a pollen tube by a pollen grain deposited on a stigma or the growth of a vegetative cell or hypha from a fungal or bacterial spore. In a more broad sense, germination can imply anything expanding into greater being from a small existence or germ, either animal or vegetable.

La importancia del arte

A través del arte, los niños pueden expresar sus sentimientos y su creatividad mientras ellos desarrollan destrezas para el pensamiento crítico. Cuando uno les da materiales para el arte, ellos necesitan descubrir y experimentar sobre qué pueden hacer con esos materiales. Por eso es que es tan importante que el arte sea libre.Los niños pueden hacer arte apenas logren sentarse. A esta edad, ellos usualmente pueden coger marcadores y pinceles. Para los niños de 1 a 3 años, uno necesita artículos muy básicos que se enfoquen en el aspecto sensorial del arte – artículos como pinturas para los dedos, plastilina y crayones gruesos. Para los preescolares uno debe tener crayones regulares, papel, pinturas, pinceles, un atril, goma, y materiales para “collages” simples, como pedazos de papeles de colores, plumas, lazos, cinta adhesiva y tijeras. Conforme sus niños van creciendo y empiezan a explorar realmente su creatividad, usted empezará a añadir más artículos a sus materiales para el arte, como bandejas de lata, medias viejas o retazos de tela.

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Let´s practice numbers.


Let´s practice the colours.

Letter G


There are so many reasons to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables every day.
Everyone Needs to Eat More Fruits and Vegetables
A growing body of research proves that fruits and vegetables are critical to promoting good health. In fact, fruits and vegetables should be the foundation of a healthy diet. Most people to need to double the amount the amount of fruits and vegetables they eat every day.
Fruits and Vegetables Fight to Protect Your Health
Fruits and vegetables are packed with essential vitamins, minerals, fiber, and disease-fighting phytochemicals. Because of this, eating plenty of fruits and vegetables everyday can help reduce your risk of:
  • Heart disease
  • High blood pressure
  • Type II diabetes
  • Certain cancers


HAPPY Bday Paula!!!!!!!!!

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Letter "P".

The Three Billy Goats Gruff

Let´s watch this beautiful story:

Healthy and Non healthy food.

Students will need to know about foods that are healthy and good for them. Here 10 HEALTHY EATING TIPS FOR KIDS

  1. Food is Fun… Enjoy your food

  2. Breakfast is a very important meal

  3. Eat lots of different foods every day, variety is the recipe for health

  4. Which group would you tip for the top? Base your food on carbohydrates

  5. Give me five! Eat fruits and vegetables with each meal and as tasty snacks!

  6. Fat facts. Too much saturated fat is not good for your health

  7. Snack attack! Eat regularly and choose a variety of snacks

  8. Quench your thirst. Drink plenty of liquids

  9. Care for those teeth! Brush your teeth at least twice a day

  10. Get moving! Be active every day

Letter "N".

Figuras Incompletas.

Una propuesta para trabajar la capacidad de observación y la memoria visual. Con este trabajo pretendemos que los niños trabajen y desarrollen las habilidades cognitivas, perceptivas y motoras fundamentales para su aprendizaje. Aquí algunas fotos de los trabajos que realizaron los niños en aula.


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Community Helpers

Letter “r”.